
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

W.A.L.T blending and shading use oil pastel media 
Last week our teacher gave us some oil pastel art to do we had to blend colours so that they looked like a natural  combination and it was and it is pretty difficult to blend, we watched a video here it is. also, we did not have to do the colours that were on the video so that are pieces of art were our work. 

I thought this piece of art was fun and I would suggest to give it ago but using oil pastels are very messy so put some old newspapers or magazines underneath it. 

Are you going to try and this cool piece of art?    

Thursday, September 19, 2019

how to tell the difference between fake and real emails.

tell the difference between fake and real emails i.e fishing.

Today with my teacher and the maniakalani 
facilitator we learned how to tell apart what real emails and websites are and fake emails and websites are. A couple of things to look out for is suspicious URL's, the green padlock is before the URL and the URL mach's your search.

I think this information that we learned will be good if we ever come across some website or email that is suspicious.

Have you ever had anyone try and cat phish you (fool you)?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

please don't do this!!

Netiquette (what dose it mean)

W.A.L.T interact online safely and appropriately using the netiquette framework.

explanation: On Thursday 5/9/19 we were learning what netiquette means and the poster is one of the  things netiquette means (informal and formal). Netiquette also means behaving online, there is a lot of things when it comes to netiquette and there is a whole bunch of videos where I learned all this stuff. 

Reflection: I thought the poster was fun and the rest was okay but this info was useful.

Question: have you heard of the word of the word netiquette?   

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Jim Dine Art

draw a tool the style of Jim Dime.

2-3 weeks ago we had to draw a tool in the style of Jim Dime. To do Jim Dime you have to do the outline of the shape and some of the features  like the staple holder part and the bolt that is holding it all together. We used an e.g. video to show us how to do it. 

I thought that the charcoal got everywhere and especially on your hands and fingers but it was a cool looking piece of art.

Have you tried doing a Jim Dime piece of art work? Comment down below if you have. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Find an abstract artist or an image to copy the style of mine was Preksha Jain

2 to 3 weeks ago with my teacher and my entire class  we coped the style of an artist of our choice. My choice was Preksha Jain and the artiest seemed to do random shapes, patterns and swirls out of the shape. 

I hated the charcoal it self because it got everywhere and dried your hands out. But the art was OK.

Have you done charcoal art before?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Life on mars

Life on mars
W.A.L.T decide the purpose for our writing.

Plan Intro (seeing planet) P1. lands onto mars P2. flag get rover P3. latch does come loose and both astronauts blank

You can see the red planet coming in, and the breathless moment of seeing the best possible image, of the whole planet with the plain blackness of space Filled with who knows what just filling the small round window that you can not see much out of. But it is still breathtaking. You can not wait to get on it and as it comes closer, more specific detail is now in view. The wonder of it all comes down to this moment when you can almost see the strange ground, that has not had man nor woman on it ever.

P 1.
The ground is gently coming closer, and you are just thinking of how is it going to be, and what is down there. As you think your thought is suddenly interrupted of the ground rapidly coming closer. You can feel the thrusters trying harder to slow down with the immense pressure of the small shuttle. You might think that the small thrusters will not slow it down but it did, quite a lot as it has to lift it to. The ground is just a hundred meters down then the hight reader kicks in. 90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,15,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, a small klunk from the shuttle as it gently touch the strange ground. I felt Nauseous and it appeared so did Jimmy and John. I guess it is because we will be the first men on mars.The first man stepped down (John) then the second and I was last off but that did not matter to me as I was one of three FIRST on, on, on mars!

P 2.
 As soon as we all got out we had to find a place to put the flag. We searched and found the perfect place, it was on a small ledge that was soft yet strong enough to clench on to the Amarican flag. We all had one hand on the flag then we lifted up the flag and pierced a whole in the ground. We could hear the team that was on earth cheering for us as the flag was in the ground. As it lay there just standing on mars. One of the coolest moments EVER! After we put the flag in we had a little mission even though that we just completed the mission. The other mission is to get our land rover down here it was all automatic we had to take of the latchis off. About 2 mins later one of the crew on board the main ship told us that the rover will be here in about 10 m ins so we went back to our shuttle and saw its path to land. It was going to land 10 meters away. Jimmy went outside to look and he said I found the rover and it as we watched its Vicious scorching red thrusters that would turn your hand instantly into ash. As Jimmy haluded his heavy suit away from the rover. The rover did a bit more of a clunk when it touched the ground.

 P 3.
John unlatched the rover and I started to get some special sample jars. John started swearing “the latch is stuck ?!” He yelled in the microphone. I went to go help and he was right, this was on real good, like car wheels in an ocean for year. It’s hammer time, I got the hammer and dragged the elephant suit over to the latch, BANG,BANG,BANG then finally the latch came loose . That was difficult I said in my head and John said my thoughts out loud. Right time to go get some samples. Jimmy and John got in the solar powered rover with the sample jars then they skidded off. I went over to the little shuttle and Johns screen came up I watched him for about 5 mins and then, blank. The screen just turned off and so did Jimmys but Jimmy's speaker was still on but it was a bit crackly but it was still on and I heard him say get, Far ,away, something, bad ,life, then silent. I contacted mission control and no signal something I closed the door and locked the air tight seal then I instantly contacted the main ship and they suggested that I leave mars so I started up the engines then saw a distinct blurry figure that was running towards me! Hopefully by the time the strange I don't know came close, I would be well away. I felt lift off and the strange thing was surprisingly fast I got my camera out and snapped a quick picture but it was blurry and I was to high up to take another one so it is still a myth not one that myth busters can solve and has not been reported to the world YET!


To create tessellation.

Last week we were learning how to make a tessellation with our teacher. We watched a whole bunch of videos on how to make a tessellation, the rules of tessellation, what is a tessellation and more.
I used my imagination to make the art shown .

I don't like art unless it is free art but this tessellation was not so bad.

Have you ever done tessellation?      

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Taking different angled shots.

  Take photos at different angles and to explain the purpose.

Today (Thursday 8/8/19) we practised taking different angled shots with Whaea Donna, our teacher and two other friends of mine. The shots we did were close up, wide shot, mid shot, over the shoulder, worms eye view, birds eye view and two other action shots. We practised using different positions (angles) and filters when we took our photo's.

Reflection: I thought it was fun and with all the different filters. We used webcam toy to do these.  photos.

Question: Have you every used any of these shots?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My cool light bulb

Quality writing: After we did Gabriel Merino style of art we did still life sketching with our teacher and this is one of my sketches. How we did it: well to be honest I don't know how I did this, I watched a tutorial this is the link How to sketch a light bulb. I hope that you can try and do a better job than me.

D.L.O.  My photo.

Reflection: I thought that this art was  boring at the start but it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Playing rugby league

Quality writing: Today with our teacher and the rugby teachers we did touch. It was on the court because the field was to muddy to play on. We have been doing rugby for the last term on Wednesdays, in the previous sessions we have done drills like passing and catching. We learnt to always keep your hands up ready to catch the ball and a bunch of other stuff. 

D.L.O. here are some photos of us playing 

Reflection To be honest I did not enjoy it very much, OK I did not like it one bit. But  the best part was being sub! 

Gabriel merino (my art)

This is my art that we have been doing for the last term with my teacher.
 This how we did it:
we first found us some designs then did the whole thing in pencil then once we checked with teacher that was good to do it all over with a ball point pen and a vivid we did that then it was finished. 
That may not sound like a lot but it was and it seemed to take forever.
 There is no colour for a reason and that is because this a style.  

I thought it was fun because our teacher (usually)  read us a book, it kept us distracted or at least me because I don't rely like art. 


Thursday, June 13, 2019

How to create the best quality blog post

title How to create the best quality blog post intro we made quality blog posts
 W.A.L.T Create a quality blog post
 Description D.L.O Today with Donna Yates and my teacher Mr Pickared we made a quality blog post poster in google drawing. The poster had to have what a quality blog would have on it.
1. catchy title
 2. quality writing (what,who and how)
 3. Check preview in case of mistake
 4. D.L.O digital learning object (our poster)
 5. Reflection
 6. Question
Question did you learn anything from this?
 Explain what you have learned about Today I have learned how to make a quality blog post Witch is 6 main things. Question did you learn anything from this?
Reflection  I thought that it was fun using google drawing and making this poster.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

I have been learning with my teacher and someone from the Manaiakalani group are Facilitator. animation it is pretty fun making a animation and I really enjoyed it! we made the animation to teach us how to use google slides and it might be useful for the future like in a boring meting or just plain fun for when your bored. we made this animation to show ??? pretty much what we wanted to show and I chose this to animate this.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

this is my screencastify hope you like it 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Friday, April 5, 2019

should you give personal info

This google drawing is to show that you should not share your personal info to strangers or they can steel your identity. I used google drawing and I enjoyed creating it I think I could have made the characters bigger.