
Friday, May 1, 2020

The k3641

WALT use a variety of techniques and materials to make our own personal art projects.

This air plane I do not know the name of but here is the link air plane drawing link. This drawing I did not trace but I did my best to copy. 

I thought that although it was difficult its was a fun challenge (for me at least).

If you are like me and like to draw plane click on the link and give it a go!


  1. Great artwork Isaac!
    I am so impressed at how well you copied the drawing, it looks like an exact likeness of the original picture.
    I like the detail and technique that you used as well.
    Perhaps you could do some research and find out more about the type of plane it is and where it originated from.

  2. That's a fantastic drawing Isaac. I love the detail in your artwork. It shows that you have really good observation skills which is important for drawing. The great thing is our observation skills get better and better the more we draw and so to does our drawings. Keep it up. I'd like to see more of your aeroplane drawings.
