
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Logic maths puzzle


W.A.L.T think outside the box to make a logic maths puzzle. 
Today my class did a paper puzzle challenge called a logic maths puzzle, we had to work in pairs to complete it and me and my friend got it first. The clap motion (video) roughly shows you how to make it. It is fairly easy to make once you get the principles of folding the paper. 
I thought it was fun to do as there was only one way to complete it and we had to think outside the box to find that way. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Pointaillism apple

W.A.L.T to learn how to do a pointaillism apple 

In the past week we did a pointaillism apple, we did this stratagy by using a three makers black, green red a pencil and a pice of A4. This was again me following a video. LINK

I thought this was an easy thing to do as the instrutions were fairly straight forward.

Have you ever made a pointaillism piece of art?

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

My pop up card

WALT use a variety of techniques and materials to make our own personal art projects.

This is my pop up card, sort of what you would put in a pop up book. I made this by using a youtube video. LINK. To make this all you will need is a A4 pice of paper, a pair of sissors, pencil and a ruler. Press where it says link and it will take you to the instructions of the pop up card. 

I did well with the marking and the cuting but the folding was a bit difficult to do but with a bit of time and efort you can get there in the end.

Do you have any suggestions to help me improve my work?    

Monday, May 11, 2020

W.A.L.T use a variety of techniques and materials to make our own personal art projects.        
I tried to copy a the best I could a to copy a spitfire and and here is a link spitfire and there was no camouflage I did this camouflage my self among other small details to. There are many spit fire designs so if you are interested in doing a plane give it ago.   

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

 WALT create stop go animation projects using a variety of media.

This video is a clap motion animation. clap motion is a animator where every time you move, add or take out a character or a piece you clap to take a picture. To make this video I have taken a picture every time I have added a piece.   
This in particular  video is about me making a Lego  pneumatic  arm (pneumatic is air or in this case pressurised air) I have made this arm for a digger which I have been building for the past few days. 
I really enjoy building Lego,  both types this is the Technic stuff but the other Lego I still enjoy and clap motion is a really cool animation site. 
If you like Lego try to make a clap motion.

Friday, May 1, 2020

The k3641

WALT use a variety of techniques and materials to make our own personal art projects.

This air plane I do not know the name of but here is the link air plane drawing link. This drawing I did not trace but I did my best to copy. 

I thought that although it was difficult its was a fun challenge (for me at least).

If you are like me and like to draw plane click on the link and give it a go!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020