
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My cool light bulb

Quality writing: After we did Gabriel Merino style of art we did still life sketching with our teacher and this is one of my sketches. How we did it: well to be honest I don't know how I did this, I watched a tutorial this is the link How to sketch a light bulb. I hope that you can try and do a better job than me.

D.L.O.  My photo.

Reflection: I thought that this art was  boring at the start but it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Playing rugby league

Quality writing: Today with our teacher and the rugby teachers we did touch. It was on the court because the field was to muddy to play on. We have been doing rugby for the last term on Wednesdays, in the previous sessions we have done drills like passing and catching. We learnt to always keep your hands up ready to catch the ball and a bunch of other stuff. 

D.L.O. here are some photos of us playing 

Reflection To be honest I did not enjoy it very much, OK I did not like it one bit. But  the best part was being sub! 

Gabriel merino (my art)

This is my art that we have been doing for the last term with my teacher.
 This how we did it:
we first found us some designs then did the whole thing in pencil then once we checked with teacher that was good to do it all over with a ball point pen and a vivid we did that then it was finished. 
That may not sound like a lot but it was and it seemed to take forever.
 There is no colour for a reason and that is because this a style.  

I thought it was fun because our teacher (usually)  read us a book, it kept us distracted or at least me because I don't rely like art.